
Attention, Stressed-Out People Pleasers—Read This and Relax!


As a people pleaser, you may deal with anxiety and stress by the truckloads. All the volunteering is likely burning you out. You probably don’t feel incredibly valued either. Perhaps you already know that people pleasing is rooted in low self-confidence. Essentially, as a people pleaser, you draw your self-worth…

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Self-Discovery: Why Unleashing Your Potential Is So Empowering


If you’re like most people, then you want to know your purpose in life. You want to know why you’re here.Self-discovery is a very important step toward unlocking who you are and who you’re meant to be.Uncovering your own depths will encourage you. It will awaken a new sense of excitement…

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Pregnancy & Passion: 6 Ways to Keep Your Intimate Relationship Alive and Enjoyable


Planning a pregnancy with your partner can be both fun and exciting.It’s no surprise that most couples look forward to the intimate relationship involved in pregnancy planning, too. When conception takes longer than expected, though, that initial spark can quickly fizzle out. This lack of luster opens the door for…

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Mother and Daughter Poems


Mother and Daughter Storm We walked gingerly tonight around the edges of our storm. The water rippled and raged almost tidal at times but we stayed steady on the rocks of our rendezvous with old pain. And then at last we breached as if we were killer whales high above…

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Rebirth After Birth Workshop Info


Just announced! Our new workshop, Rebirth After Birth Workshop, will be held in the Spring 2014 with Pediatric Sleep Consultant Brooke Nalle! Dates: 4 Sundays – March 23-April 13th, 2014 from 2-4pm. Cost: $150 with limited sliding scale available. Early sign up rate before March 1, $120. Email for more…

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A Quote About Truth


‎”There are two kinds of truth. Truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is a science, and the second is an art” Raymond Chandler

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