The Important Thing About Yelling – a beautiful article written by Rachel Macy Stafford


As exhausted parents, we try so hard to keep our cool and breathe. There are times when all our needs, including our children, our partners, our pets, all come crashing down at once and we are left feeling scattered, perhaps anxious, stressed, and even angry. I love this post because…

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Surrendering To Resistance


Surrendering is not defeat. Surrendering is not giving up. Surrendering is ‘allowing’ in the moment. When we let go of struggle, and allow ourselves to just be where we are, we find more peace and more balance in ourselves and our lives. Each day, and more specifically each moment, we…

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How Psychotherapy Can Help


If you live in New York City, like I do, you know that most people speak openly about seeing their therapist. The stigma of shame is lifted when you live in a place that accepts psychotherapy as an acceptable form of asking for help. In New York, there are therapists…

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What is MamaYoga? An interview with Kate Loewengart


I had kept meaning to check out Kate Loewengart’s class at Rivertown Mamas for mom and baby. Since I have had my son, I find scheduling to be a bit challenging. One day, however, the stars aligned and I was able to attend. Kate offers a wonderful selection of different…

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To Bless the Space Between Us – Poetry


John O’Donohue To Bless the Space Between Us May this be a morning of innocent beginning, When the gift within you slips clear Of the sticky web of the personal With its hurt and its hauntings, And fixed fortress corners, A morning when you become a pure vessel For what…

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Anxiety; 5 Tips to Staying Calm


Anxiety. Even the name can make some people anxious. It can hit us like a ton of bricks or slowly creep in. Either way, struggling with anxiety can be exhausting and well anxiety producing. Here are some tips to help you through the anxiety. I have written about anxiety before…

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Parenting Article: When Multiple Children Have Big Feelings


This article was written on the Hand in Hand Parenting website and I thought one worth sharing. Just having one child, it’s sometimes hard to know how to navigate feelings, big or small. Here is a really good article on how to handle multiple children’s feelings. Connecting Through Chaos:…

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A Letter to a New Mom


“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” —Jill Churchill I share this personal piece of writing in hopes that it speaks to others who are having a hard time having a new baby at home. In hopes that it reminds…

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5 Tips to Trusting Your Intuition


“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” Alan Alda Over the years, clients have come into session asking me, what is the difference between my intuition and fear? I…

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