Postpartum Depression; A New York Times Article


Postpartum depression affects so many new mothers, yet so many new moms feel so much shame in finding support and help. Below is an article and video on postpartum depression from the New York Times. Can we eliminate the shame and normalize all the feelings surrounding birth?

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Unleashing Anxiety’s Grip; 5 tips to soothe anxiety


“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.” ― Pema Chödrön When we find ourselves consumed by anxiety, it’s as if a tornado has arrived and starts to pull everything into it’s path of destruction. The one thing we were anxious about turns into everything we are…

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Call for Dads; Honoring Dads on Father’s Day


The greatest thing a FATHER can do to his children, is to love their mother. – Anjaneth Garcia Untalan This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day. Because we have a little one at home, this year we celebrate my husband as a father. It is however during these holidays, I also…

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The Courage To Wait – Pema Chodron quote on peace


“When you’re like a keg of dynamite just about to go off, patience means just slowing down at that point—just pausing—instead of immediately acting on your usual, habitual response. You refrain from acting, you stop talking to yourself, and then you connect with the soft spot. But at the same…

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Finding the BEST Therapist for you


Finding a good therapist, especially in a place like NYC that has a therapist on every corner, can be a daunting task. Over the years, I have heard some strange stories about how therapists behaved or responded to clients. It can be an overwhelming process to start, but with a…

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Mother and Daughter Poems


Mother and Daughter Storm We walked gingerly tonight around the edges of our storm. The water rippled and raged almost tidal at times but we stayed steady on the rocks of our rendezvous with old pain. And then at last we breached as if we were killer whales high above…

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Red Tent and a Gathering of Women


“The painful things seemed like knots on a beautiful necklace, necessary for keeping the beads in place.” ― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent I attended my first Red Tent women’s gathering this last weekend. The purpose was to gather women who had gone through a challenging birth experience and wanted…

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Birth Story Listening. Finding Peace Beyond Birth Trauma


“Birth stories are the single most influential factor in childbirth preparation and postpartum recovery; yet, so few really know how to listen to or learn from them. Birth stories are shared casually (anywhere, anytime, with anyone) without regard for the emotional impact on those who tell them or those who…

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Rainer Maria Rilke Poem – Letters to a Young Poet


Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke “Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart. Love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a foreign language. The point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps someday you will gradually, without…

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