Poem ~ Lead me to the song of my heart ~ Danna Faulds


Lead me to the song of my heart and help me sing it unashamed Help me stand before you in bare consciousness unflinching in your light Lead me to the expression of my soul in all its fullness Let me embrace my humanity yet be anchored in divinity. Help me…

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What makes you vulnerable, makes you beautiful.


“What makes you vulnerable, makes you beautiful.” I recently heard this in a very good Ted Talk by Brene Brown and it resonated with me instantly. For me, it’s so simple and so true. Clients often come into my office trying to hide their true feelings and emotions. At one…

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Your Interpretation of Reality-a quote from Pema Chodron


Seeing when you justify yourself and when you blame others is not a reason to criticize yourself, but actually an opportunity to recognize what all people do and how it imprisons us in a very limited perspective of this world. It’s a chance to see that you’re holding on to…

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Drawing The Line


Over the weekend, I had the privilege of being in a Vinyasa yoga intensive with an ex military and sober man, Rolf Gates. He is one of the most grounded and approachable well known yogis that I have met. Included in the massive amounts of yoga, Rolf also included some…

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Conscious New Years Eve


A few years ago, I took part in a New Years Eve celebration at a wonderful retreat place in California called Spirit Rock. The evening was comprised of dancing, meditation, stories, and intention. As we rung in the New Year, not with champagne in hand, but silently still on our…

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Shedding During The Holiday Season


During one of my favorite yoga classes, I was reminded of the meaning of the Holiday Season. With all the gift buying and preparing to see family, we often forget that this holiday is not all about attaining more ‘stuff’. What if we were able to ‘shed’ during the holiday?…

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Mindful Holidays


The holiday season can leave us feeling totally exhausted, run down, or even financially strapped. We can find ourselves tapped out, run down, and exhausted. It’s ironic that this time of year, the weather begs us to stay inside and quiet down, and yet we find ourselves constantly out and…

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Embracing Gratitude


During this time of Thanksgiving and the beginning of the holidays, I always find it’s a good time to reflect on gratitude. Finding gratitude can lighten our hearts and remind us that we are very fortunate in many ways. Reminding ourselves what we are grateful for, often times reminds us…

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Learning to Let Go in the Looking for Love


We have often heard the phrase, when we stop looking for love, it finally appears. Finding a mate can be a frustrating process that can leave us disappointed, angry and sad, wondering what the heck is wrong with us?! I have found through my work as a psychotherapist, that this…

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