What makes you vulnerable, makes you beautiful.

What makes you vulnerable, makes you beautiful.”

I recently heard this in a very good Ted Talk by Brene Brown and it resonated with me instantly. For me, it’s so simple and so true.

Clients often come into my office trying to hide their true feelings and emotions. At one time or another, we have all done it. We try to hide what really moves us inside. But why? Perhaps it’s because we grew up in a family that couldn’t tolerate feelings or we have come to believe that vulnerability is a sign of weakness.

In my experience, true healing comes when we can finally accept and love the parts of us that we so want to hide. True healing can emerge when we finally accept that our vulnerability is a strength. It takes courage to be vulnerable.

I see vulnerability as such a gift to give another. When we can truly be where we are and let those around us know how we feel, we lead more intimate and connected lives. We let our whole selves be seen. As Brene Brown says to simply, “You are worthy of love and belonging.” For some people, it’s all we have wanted to hear.

To access the Ted Talk by Brene Brown, you can click here: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/brene_brown_on_vulnerability.html.



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