For New Parents

The Strain of Parenthood: How a New Baby Can Impact Relationships


Welcoming a new life into the world is a joyous and life-changing experience, but it can also put a significant strain on even the strongest of relationships. As a new parent, I’ve come to understand that the transition to parenthood is not just about adjusting to the needs of a…

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After Birth: The Challenges of Navigating Motherhood


Navigating motherhood is sort of like flying an airplane through a thick and foggy barrage of clouds. Most people really don’t know which direction is up or down, right or left. After giving birth to a precious little baby may seem like an obvious time to be beaming as a…

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Pregnancy & Passion: 6 Ways to Keep Your Intimate Relationship Alive and Enjoyable


Planning a pregnancy with your partner can be both fun and exciting.It’s no surprise that most couples look forward to the intimate relationship involved in pregnancy planning, too. When conception takes longer than expected, though, that initial spark can quickly fizzle out. This lack of luster opens the door for…

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Red Tent Event! Hear Birth Stories & Tell Your Own. Sacred Gathering of Mothers & Mothers-to-be


  Red Tent Hear Birth Stories & Tell Your Own A sacred gathering of Mothers & Mothers-to-Be Facilitated by Silvie Falschlunger and Melissa Divaris Thompson     Please join us in the listening & sharing of your birth journey at Silvie’s House. We will ‘walk our labyrinths’ & explore:   *…

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A Traumatic Homecoming – Interview With A New Mother


I am so often stuck by the courage and bravery of first time mothers. Becoming a mother is a leap of faith and an absolute shift in identity. We have no idea how we will feel, how our baby will be, and what it’s all going to be like. Our…

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The Important Thing About Yelling – a beautiful article written by Rachel Macy Stafford


As exhausted parents, we try so hard to keep our cool and breathe. There are times when all our needs, including our children, our partners, our pets, all come crashing down at once and we are left feeling scattered, perhaps anxious, stressed, and even angry. I love this post because…

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What is MamaYoga? An interview with Kate Loewengart


I had kept meaning to check out Kate Loewengart’s class at Rivertown Mamas for mom and baby. Since I have had my son, I find scheduling to be a bit challenging. One day, however, the stars aligned and I was able to attend. Kate offers a wonderful selection of different…

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Anxiety; 5 Tips to Staying Calm


Anxiety. Even the name can make some people anxious. It can hit us like a ton of bricks or slowly creep in. Either way, struggling with anxiety can be exhausting and well anxiety producing. Here are some tips to help you through the anxiety. I have written about anxiety before…

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Parenting Article: When Multiple Children Have Big Feelings


This article was written on the Hand in Hand Parenting website and I thought one worth sharing. Just having one child, it’s sometimes hard to know how to navigate feelings, big or small. Here is a really good article on how to handle multiple children’s feelings. Connecting Through Chaos:…

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