For New Parents

A Letter to a New Mom


“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” —Jill Churchill I share this personal piece of writing in hopes that it speaks to others who are having a hard time having a new baby at home. In hopes that it reminds…

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Motherhood; you know you are a mother when…


As I journeyed into motherhood, I felt quite overwhelmed. The day I became pregnant and the moment I gave birth, I was changed forever. Even though I was so much the same, something in me was so different. My new journey had just begun. As I stood in line at…

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How Psychotherapy Can Help


Snowdrops – Louise Gluck Do you know what I was, how I lived? You know what despair is; then winter should have meaning for you. I did not expect to survive earth suppressing me. I didn’t expect to waken again, to feel in damp earth my body able to respond…

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Postpartum Depression; A New York Times Article


Postpartum depression affects so many new mothers, yet so many new moms feel so much shame in finding support and help. Below is an article and video on postpartum depression from the New York Times. Can we eliminate the shame and normalize all the feelings surrounding birth?

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Unleashing Anxiety’s Grip; 5 tips to soothe anxiety


“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.” ― Pema Chödrön When we find ourselves consumed by anxiety, it’s as if a tornado has arrived and starts to pull everything into it’s path of destruction. The one thing we were anxious about turns into everything we are…

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Call for Dads; Honoring Dads on Father’s Day


The greatest thing a FATHER can do to his children, is to love their mother. – Anjaneth Garcia Untalan This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day. Because we have a little one at home, this year we celebrate my husband as a father. It is however during these holidays, I also…

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Red Tent and a Gathering of Women


“The painful things seemed like knots on a beautiful necklace, necessary for keeping the beads in place.” ― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent I attended my first Red Tent women’s gathering this last weekend. The purpose was to gather women who had gone through a challenging birth experience and wanted…

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Birth Story Listening. Finding Peace Beyond Birth Trauma


“Birth stories are the single most influential factor in childbirth preparation and postpartum recovery; yet, so few really know how to listen to or learn from them. Birth stories are shared casually (anywhere, anytime, with anyone) without regard for the emotional impact on those who tell them or those who…

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Toddler Play Group at Rivertown Mamas, Dobbs Ferry, NY! Wednesdays from 3-4:30pm! THE GROUP IS ON A BREAK CURRENTLY FOR THE SUMMER!


Toddler Playtime – Please note the group is currently on a break for the summer! Lead by Melissa Divaris Thompson Join us for a casual toddler playgroup for one and two year olds. This informal, no RSVP required, no commitment gathering occurs on Wednesday afternoons from 3 to 4:30. We…

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