Embracing Gratitude
During this time of Thanksgiving and the beginning of the holidays, I always find it’s a good time to reflect on gratitude.
Finding gratitude can lighten our hearts and remind us that we are very fortunate in many ways. Reminding ourselves what we are grateful for, often times reminds us that we are not alone, we are cared for, and usually loved more than we know.
Embracing Gratitude In Your Life:
1. Start a gratitude journal. It may sound like a big commitment, but just a few minutes a day can change your perspective. Name anything and everything you can think of. Go on a rampage of gratitude!
2. Before going to sleep, think of your day. Send gratitude for the parts that felt really good. It may be lunch with a friend or a conflict that got resolved. Whatever it is, notice what you were grateful for in your day, and then let it go.
3. Have a practice of being grateful in the moment. Notice the comfort of your bed or your pillow. Feel into what it’s like to have appreciation or gratitude for a friend as you are visiting. Be present and notice in the moment what you are grateful for and notice how that feels.
4. Tell those around you why and how you are grateful. I can promise you that almost no one on this earth doesn’t like to hear how and why they are appreciated. It’s great to mention the big things and also the small things. If you are feeling up for it, write them an email or even a quick note to put in the mail.
Remember, what we focus our attention on persists, grows, and expands…why not focus it on gratitude and see how your life will flourish!

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